MAY 2022


May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Every Sunday in May at 10:10 am, we will discuss a different wellness topic.
Our theme this year is wholeness.


May 1: Physical Wellness

May 4th at 6 pm:  Mental Health Town Hall Meeting
May 5th at 6 pm:  Move Your Boopsy + Taco Night

May 8: Spiritual Wellness

May 14th from 12 pm to 4 pm: The Hunger:  A Prayer Session (Drop in at your convenience)

May 15: Social Wellness

May 21st at 5:30 pm: Community Game Night

May 22: Psychological Wellness

May 25th  at 6 pm: Mental Health and Church Inclusion training
May 26th at 6:30 pm: Hope Connections faith-based support group

May 29: Self-Care

June 4th at 6 pm: Saturday Night Service

Week 1: Physical Wellness

Are you feeling energized and ready to take on the world!? Whether you are or not, come and join us for our wellness month Groove and Move week.  This week will focus on the importance of physical wellness. When it comes to physical wellness, this can be broken up into many different parts. Whether its eating healthier, being more active, or getting a good night sleep, physical health plays a key role in taking care of ourselves. Take this first week as an amazing opportunity to start the process of your wholeness journey! On May 1st, we will be starting off the week with learning about why we should value being physically healthy and where to start. As a bonus, on May 4th at 6pm, we will have a group of Southeastern University Master of Social Work students host a “Mental Health Town Hall Meeting”. These students have worked hard to learn about the needs of Mulberry, FL. An important step to wellness is having an awareness about the needs and what can help make an impact. Come and support them by joining in to have an open discussion about this important topic! If that is not exciting enough, come join us on May 5th  at 6pm for our “Move Your Boopsy + Taco Night”. You will have to chance to engage in a fun fitness dance workout that is modified to a beginner’s fitness level. So, what are you waiting for, come Groove and Move your way to a week of fun!

Week 2: Spiritual Wellness

Just like the physical body, our spiritual self needs just as much care. As humans, we each have a spirit that longs for a connection to finding purpose and peace. This is exactly why you do not want to miss out on Spiritual Connections week. As a Christian community, we long for the opportunity to have a spiritual connection with God, who is our creator and also a spirit. One way that we connect with God is through prayer, but our spiritual connection can extend farther. Worship through music and journaling are great examples that can extend the connection. On May 8th, come join us for a Mother’s Day treat as we talk about our spiritual connection as it relates to rest, prayer, and tuning into the word of God. Need some extra time to spend with connecting with God? Come join us on May 14th from 12pm-4pm for our event “The Hunger:  A Prayer Session”. This is where you can come for an awesome time of pray and worship. If you are feeling disconnected, come join us as you spiritually connect to your wholeness journey.

Week 3: Social Wellness

No one was ever meant to live life alone, and there is a reason why. Part of holistic wellness is living in life-giving community. We are happy for you to join our Social Circle, which is the theme for this week. During this week, you will learn about the importance of community and how it relates to holistic wellness. On May 15th, come hang out with us as we focus on the healing power of community and how it relates to our overall health. We even have a special guest speaker coming, which means you do not want to miss out!  The fun does not stop there either, because on May 21st at 5:30pm we will be having our “Community Game Night”. Come join us for food, fellowship, and a whole lot of games! If you have a friend or family member, invite them because anyone is welcome! Come enjoy your path to wholeness by spending time in an amazing community! You do not want to miss out!

Week 4: Psychological Wellness

The mind is a powerful tool, which means that we must take care of it just like we would any other valuable tool. Just how we would go get help for a physical illness, our mental health is just as valuable. So, for this week, we are going to emphasis on psychological wellness, which is why we had to make the theme Psych Week. And yes, if you know the show, we may throw in a “Psych” reference here and there! On May 22nd, come and learn about mental health and why it is so important. After all, a whole month was dedicated just to talk about its importance. Just like in the previous week, we will have another guest speaker that you do not want to miss hearing from. During this week, you will have the opportunity to learn about mental health assessments and how counseling and social supports can provide healing and guidance on your path to wholeness. As the church, we know that there can be stigma around mental health and we want to help erase it. On May 25th  at 6pm, come join us for our Mental Health and Church Inclusion training to learn how to create safe spaces for those dealing with mental health issues. Need a little more support? On May 26th at 6:30pm, come and join us for our “Hope Connections faith-based support group” which includes the integration of biblical and psychological perspectives in a nontherapeutic setting. Your mental health is important and we value it. Just like the theme song says, “ Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end”.

Week 5: Self-Care

This is the last week on wellness month, but it is just as important. With everything that is learned, the best way to put it all into practice is to take care of yourself. It is this very reason why the theme is Self-Care Week. On May 29th, you have the opportunity to come and learn some self-care practices. Life can be busy, which means that it is important to incorporate self-care into your routine. To help with this, we are doing something special by having a one night only church service on June 4th at 6pm. Due to this, we will not have service on June 5th and everyone can have a self-care Sunday off to relax and recharge for the next week. Come join us to the end our wellness month event!